
"When patterns are broken new worlds emerge, 'Tuli Kupferberg"

Auralia Rose Wellbeing offers soul-centred modalities that help your body heal, impassion your Soul, fuel your life purpose, free your Spirit, and help you live your life with more balance, ease, and joy.

Auralia Rose Wellbeing was founded by Auralia Rose, Hypnotherapy practitioner and Past Life Regression expert with over 30 years of experience. Auralia is a nurturing, caring practitioner who’s focused on getting the best possible outcome for her clients.

Her soul-centred approach acts as a facilitator for transformation, providing her clients with uplifting modalities that expand their individual consciousness to assist them in realising more of their Divine Soul Presence.

For further insights into Auralia’s journey into holistic healing, please check out this interview published in online magazine Mystic Mag: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-auralia-rose/

Auralia Rose, Past Life Regression, Byron Bay, Sydney, Gold Coast.

“Thank You so much for my session yesterday. I honestly believe you were sent to me by spirit.

Truly… I have so much clarity, like never before. I really now understand the spiritual teaching ‘that there is no right or wrong’…up until now it was just an intellectual concept, but I really get it now.

A lot of spiritual teachings tell us to accept ‘what is’ but I now know that’s not enough. To really experience life with all its miracles one must EMBRACE whatever life brings. That’s when real miracles occur. I have been practicing Ho’oponopono ( the ancient Hawaiian teaching) for some time now. I say, ‘Thank you’ and ‘I Love you’ to everything but after my QHHT yesterday I feel this deeper than ever… it’s hard to put into words.

I now know there is no right course for me or a wrong course, if I embrace and love everything, that is what I am here to do, and Spirit will do the rest. I could keep writing about my specific experiences in my life that I can now see with so much clarity, but it could turn into a book? so I will stop here.

Once again Thank you!! Much Love. “

Darina. Byron Bay – Feb 2020

Auralia’s journey into the hypnotherapy and natural therapies field

Auralia’s journey within the natural therapies field began more than 30 years ago when her first child developed eczema at the age of 6 months.  She was referred to a Homeopath who gave her drops to take which completely cleared her baby’s skin condition within a few days, never to return!

Interestingly, the Homeopath prescribed the remedy for the mother and not the child! The underlying premise being that the child was manifesting the genetic and emotional imprints present within the family.

This ‘miraculous’ healing sparked a fascination in Auralia and a deep desire to understand more about the causes of dis-ease which led her to studying and obtaining a Diploma of Homeopathy. Her deep interest in assisting people to heal on all levels led Auralia to obtain qualifications in:

  • Reiki (Reiki Master)
  • Bowen Technique
  • Shiatsu
  • Whole Presence Soul Retrieval
  • Feng Shui
  • Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Therapy
  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
  • Deep past life regression therapy work
  • Akashic Records Readings & Healing
  • Access Consciousness Bars
  • Straighten-Up Atlas Alignment
  • MSTR Scar Tissue Release
  • Homeopathy
  • and various other vibrational and energy healing modalities.

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Healing work in action

Through Auralia’s own journey with QHHT and Whole Presence Soul Retrieval in particular, she has been able to access more of her own Divine Presence, which has helped raise her consciousness and vibration, elevating her into greater awareness of who we are, why we came to this planet and how we can assist ourselves and the Earth during this time of momentous change.

Through Auralia’s own healing and spiritual awakening, she has learned that you need to entrust yourself into gentle and caring support for your healing needs. With the right person on your side, you can transform your future, take back your life, and allow problems in life to rapidly melt away.
The result is a life filled with abundance, connectedness, and complete wellbeing.

If you’re ready to find out how Auralia Rose and her years of dedicated holistic healing practice (from proven hypnotherapy, QHHT and Past Life Regression to Whole Presence Soul Retrieval, Akashic Record Readings and MSTR) can help foster your growth and transform your life, give her a call today.

The future you seek and desire is waiting.