Examples of how scar tissue affects your body
Scar tissues can have profound effects on your physical body.
For example, an elbow scar may cause problems in the wrist or shoulder. Caesarian Sections may cause back and abdominal pain, bladder & bowel problems, painful intercourse, and more.
Scars can also interrupt energy in meridians, causing problems in seemingly unrelated parts of the body. Unfortunately, your symptoms can last for decades.
Luckily, there’s a way to free yourself of the issues you’re experiencing related to your scarring, and it can be achieved through the help of Auralia Rose Wellbeing. ALL scars can be treated, including invisible scars in tendons, ligaments, and muscles.
After just ONE 30-60 minute treatment with Auralia Rose, scars are visibly reduced, sensitivity decreased or eliminated, and emotional trauma released.
The best part is the results are permanent. Only one or two follow-ups a week to a month apart are usually required.
So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today. The healing and release you deserve is just a phone call away.